Victory Over Depression Blog

(Healing & Victory Through Jesus Christ)

Christ In You Guarantees

I absolutely guarantee that if you continuously keep an open heart for the Holy Spirit to show you the meaning of Christ In You, you will:

  1. Have an overwhelming, strong desire to be alone with Jesus, absorbing His love.  (This will actually be your #1 desire – spending intimate, quality time alone with Jesus.)
  2. Have total, daily victory in the Christian life.  You walk above your circumstances.  You will only encounter temporary setbacks.  You will bounce back very quickly because the Holy Spirit has trained your mind to focus more on Jesus and less on your circumstances.  (He is increasing in you.  You and your circumstances are decreasing.  Praise His Name!)
  3. Be totally free of depression – no more burnout.
  4. Live above your circumstances and trials.  (Your house will be built on rock – Christ Himself.)
  5. Have a deep-rooted awareness in your heart of the unconditional love and acceptance Jesus has for you.  Your only desire then will be to love Him back.
  6. See the love of Christ flow from you so naturally, especially to others.  His love will truly be your only motivation.
  7.  Learn what it is to have a humble, compassionate heart. Jesus will teach you to really listen to a person’s heart.  You will mind your own business, not sticking your 2 cents in when it is not asked for.
  8. Be content to let Christ live the Christian life through you.  You will be so relaxed, even in the worst of tribulations, totally trusting Him with the results.
  9. Be very busy doing Christian service for God.  But you will have that Sabbath-rest that Jesus amplifies in Matthew 11:28-30.  Your service will now be a joy, not a burden.  Only the love of God will motivate you.

There are many more victories to add to this list.  The main point, though, is you will be totally free to love and enjoy life in Christ everyday. 

This is where I am right now.  It is the most wonderful experience I could ever desire – being a child of God.  It is like being “born again” again (though not theologically correct.)

It took a few years for God to show me these truths.  He had to clear out all the garbage in my mind, and take me through those 17 years of depression.

God has now guaranteed my victory for the last 17 years – all because of CHRIST IN ME.

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4 thoughts on “Christ In You Guarantees

  1. Yay!!! Wonderful post. I’m so inspired by what God continues to do for you!

  2. What happens if months and months go by and despite praying on our knees to Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God we do not sense their presence? What if our most basic healthy prayers, such as ones related to family uniting, forgiveness, and reconciliation and healing are not answered? Life is difficult and the Christian road paved with the same bumps and road blocks and pain as that of the secular world, it seems to me these days. Praying God intervenes and shows His glory and power to slow down the devil who is loose in the world. Praying for a sign and miracle. In other words, I am waiting on the Lord…..

    • Hey, John.
      God knows the road is difficult. That’s why He sent Jesus.
      There is too much pain, hurt, rejection, etc within you. That’s why it takes time.
      Trying to figure out when it happens is like reaching for air. You can’t grasp it.
      I encourage you to keep that focus — CHRIST IN YOU.
      He carries you every step of the way.
      Glad I am here also to stand by you.

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